My Fantasy

I fantasize about having a small cottage in the wood with berry bushes and a vegetable garden next to fields where my sheep and horses and dogs and myriad other animal-companions can live and graze in peace without pens or electric fences. 

There is a lake nearby where I swim on crisp clear mornings and a mountain by the lake that I hike in the summers and ski in the winters. 

In this fantasy my family and close friends live in nearby cottages and we have big potlucks most evening. There is no light pollution so the stars shine brightly every night when the sun sets behind my mountain. 

I don't have much money but I don't need it because I eat what I grow and I give away what I don't need. My days are spent painting and writing, chopping wood, playing guitar, tending my garden, and dreaming about my wife who incidentally spends most of her time scantily clad in jean shorts, half-unbuttoned-flannels, cowboy boots and straw hats, riding her horse. Sigh.


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